& Childhood Eczema
Imagery is a powerful tool for children with eczema. When you imagine being in a safe, relaxing place, your body responds as if you were actually in that place to turn down stress and bring on a sense of calm. Imagining a relaxing place using your five senses can help distract you from thinking about itch. Using soothing or healing imagery can also help to change itch and pain so your body feels more comfortable.
Soothing Waterfall Imagery for Eczema
Here’s an example of using imagery to enjoy being on the shore of a beautiful beach.
You can start by taking a few relaxed breaths. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and out slowly through your mouth. Let any stress of tension flow out of you. You’re standing at the edge of the water, on a beautiful, quiet stretch of beach, looking out at the ocean in front of you. The sun is setting and the sky is filled with beautiful shades of pink and orange. The water is so clear, you can see down to the sand and twinkling shells below. You can feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin and a light breeze blowing through your hair. You can feel the sand, soft and wet between your toes as you step into the water. It’s just the right temperature and you feel comfortable and relaxed as you listen to the waves lap up to the shore. Slowly flowing in, slowly flowing out. You hear seagulls singing overhead. You can smell the salt in the air and taste it on your lips. Notice what else is around you, anything you may have missed. Remember, you are in control of how you feel here. You can change anything you see, hear, or feel so it is just right for you. Enjoy the moment and the sense of calm. Remember that you can come back here whenever you need to. All you need to do is take a few relaxed breaths and think about this place.
You can use the guided imagery exercise below to help your child take a trip to their own special place.
Guiding your child in imagining their own special place.
Guiding your child in imagining their own special place.
It may help to talk with them ahead of time about a safe, relaxing place they would like to visit in their imagination.
Guide them in using all of their senses to notice what is around them in their special place – what they see, hear, feel, smell and taste.
This could be a place they have been before (like their grandmother’s house, a park, or fishing in a pond). Or it could be someplace they would like to go (like the top of the world’s highest mountain, or floating through space).
Remember that this should be someplace where your child feels safe and comfortable. For some kids, the beach is a relaxing place. For others, the sand and heat might make them feel itchy, so the beach would not be a good choice!