Mental Health

Stress, anxiety and depression are common experiences with eczema. You are not alone. We are here to help.

Eczema & Mental Health - Overview

Although eczema is most commonly associated with the rashes and itchiness it causes, people who live with eczema often experience symptoms that are more than just skin-deep. In particular, eczema has been linked to negative mental health outcomes for the people who suffer from it.

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Caregiver Support

As fellow parents, we know that the journey of caring for a child with eczema can be hard: sleep loss, stress, loneliness, and anxiety are just a few of the challenging impacts. The Support for Eczema Caregivers (SEC) program provides help with navigating the ups and downs of eczema and finding resources. It is FREE and available to any parent/caregiver anywhere in the world!

Our Research on Mental Health & Eczema

GPER has been a leader in drawing attention to the mental health impacts of eczema on children and families. Learn more in this podcast episode with Dr. Albert Chong.

Parent Corner

Sleep Loss and Self Compassion

The high demands of eczema caregiving are compounded by sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Dealing with a complex and unpredictable condition like eczema can wear you down. Sometimes it feels like you can never rest or, on the worst days, like you are failing as a parent. In this video below, GPER’s Caregiver Coach, Christina, offers some practical tips to help manage sleep for you and your child.


Learn about anxiety from a parent, GPER volunteer, Ashley, in this short video. This quick grounding technique has also been shown to help calm anxiety.

Eczema Parent, Hannah Mitchell, Canada

“Honestly finding GPER has been the best thing for my mental health! Listening to the podcasts and reading other parents' stories makes me feel less alone in this rollercoaster journey of parenting children with eczema!”